Thursday, February 19, 2009

I think you're all chimpanzees.

The cartoon can be found here:,0,3058822.story

So, here's the deal: The New York Post published a political cartoon depicting two police officers shooting a chimpanzee dead, alluding to the chimpanzee-ripping-off-face business from this week. Upon this sight, one of the officers says, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill."

Of course, many people, especially folks like Reverend Al Sharpton, are denouncing the comic, calling it a blatantly racist attack on President Barack Obama. There are some who are even going as far as boycotting the Post for publishing what they view as a travesty.

Do you remember this thing called the First Amendment? I'm pretty sure it mentioned this right to free speech and freedom of the press. Or something like that. I can't be sure, because I'm afraid this definition has lost its potency throughout the years, considering how easily offended folks are these days. So the artist who doodled this for the Post is perfectly in his rights to, well, doodle as he fancies, regardless of however distasteful his doodle might be.
This First Amendment thing also promises the right to petition or assemble as a group for a cause, and frankly, those driven mad by the measly cartoon are also in their rights to complain until the cows come home.

Too bad these protestors (black and white, by the way, before I get blasted for this one, too) are coming off as self righteous opportunists looking for a reason to lash out against an artist who might very well not have had any racial motivation to begin with.
Too bad these protestors aren't demonstrating against something that actually matters a little bit more than a cartoon.
Too bad these protestors aren't realizing that you don't fight racism by shutting down a cartoonist and boycotting a newspaper. You fight intolerance by being a better person yourself, to other people. You won't change minds by getting an artist fired (which, as of yet, hasn't happened and I am HAPPY that it hasn't).

Yes, the cartoon may or may not be symbolic of a struggle that is hundreds of years old, but come on. CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES. Waste your energy over something else, something truly worth believing in, or fighting for.

George Dubya, the genius that he is, has been drawn COUNTLESS TIMES as a chimp. And why? Because he actually looks like one. No outrage here.

Condi Baby has been drawn as Aunt Jemima, the freaking syrup woman, as well. No outrage here, either.

But at least this controversial cartoon has gotten people talking.
The funny thing is, the more people bitch about the chimp comic, the more people see it.
So kudos for getting something you despise so much attention.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

I wish I could just

put a big X through that last post. In fact, I'll just delete it.
So Valentine's Day was nice. Spent it with Peter. He's a sweetheart.
Hopefully one of these days he'll ask me to be his girlfriend. I'd like to let the world know, you know?
I have little or nothing else to say
see ya