So I discovered Annie Clark, this wonderful musician who goes by the name of St. Vincent. She's truly lovely... that classically beautiful voice, her writing, everything so far is just lovely!
My iPod died the other day. It was terrible. But Bobster fixed it, and thus far we believe that its life will be prolonged! A little bit, at least, and I've got my fingers crossed.
I'm pretty tired. I went to Perkins after the mock show (which went ridiculously well! my voice died a little at the end of I Kissed a Girl but who the fuck cares? ha) with a few people, listened to a boring-as-balls, hour long conversation concerning prom (I guess I'm just not interested?), ate half a sandwich and some mini-chimis which just might be the best appetizer ever.
I was bummed out on the way home though, because as tired as I was, it sucks to have to go home, you know? I don't do much so for my mom to let me go out to eat so late was really kind of a big deal for me. I like that kind of freedom.
At any rate, by the time I got home it was about 12:30 a.m. and I wasn't feeling too well. My tummy was kind of hurting a bit, but the stars were so beautiful and I didn't want to go upstairs and sleep just yet. So we walked around my driveway and watched the stars and had conversations and although it all didn't last longer than 45 minutes, I'd imagine, it was really lovely. We sat on the concrete bench on my patio and talked about anything we thought to say.
I don't have nights like that, where my rents are asleep and I'm just going off of how I feel. I know how lame that is to say, but really, it means something.
I just don't have nights like these. But it made coming home okay.