Friday, August 15, 2008

The conversation.

We were stuck in traffic, the air was black with a haze of orange from the car lights surrounding us.
I've noticed that i had next to no trouble just being myself around our friends from Japan. These were people we had essentially only known a few days, and yet meeting up with them was awesome. No awkward silences, no awkward moments. It was so easy to just speak our minds. Say all the things we needed to say. What we wanted to say.
It's really hard for me to approach people around here. i'm shy, i'm scared. As pathetic as that is.
But with these new people, there are no preconditions. they don't know me, and i don't know them. so there's a truly fresh slate to draw a real beginning. whenever that slate is questionable, i end up questioning myself.
emily and i talked about this for a while. we both seemed to agree that life deals out a pretty uneven platter at times. it almost seems to say, "Settle for less," when the people you know you'd be uber close to happen to live hours away.
then we decided, no, that's not what it's telling us. it's telling us to search.
an interesting thought, no?

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