Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maybe today.

I wonder if it's a lost cause, to let her know that I find it sort of weird that she's getting close to my ex boyfriend. I know the breakup was my fault---but it doesn't make me any more comfortable in the situation. It's lame, I know. but it still bothers me. it's the typical teenager inside of me speaking. i mentioned the situation to my mom, for some reason that's just beyond me, and she simply said, "if she's your friend, she'll stop." which is one sided, of course.
here are the other sides...
tell her how i feel, and tell her to stop; which is controlling her, right? which makes me a nazi bitch, and by default not a very good friend. it makes me this bitter girl; the person i do not want to be.
or, tell her how i feel, and just let it go. it'll still bother me, but i'm preserving our friendship, right? or does that just make me a pushover, like i always am when i feel something's a little awry with us?

decisions, decisions.
i think i will call her, because otherwise i know we won't talk at all.
and i'll just wing it

this was a waste of time...

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