Monday, July 14, 2008

In Rainbows.

Listening to radiohead. can't see why i'm just discovering them now.
i want to do something exciting, something different than i normally do, but i can't really think of anything in particular.
so my legs are sore, and i have an 'appointment' with a trainer tomorrow. supposedly, he's a softspoken, smart, sort of quiet guy who isn't too hard on the exercisemongers at the gym. then again, that might be according to an exercisemonger's standards; he might just be a less than spontaneous bodybuilder who kicks children attached to tetherball poles as a typical cardio workout. i'm passin' no judgment! ;)
i'm kind of chilly right now. i would rather just be lying down in my bed with someone's arms around me. just their arms, because the rest of the body is sort of useless!
disregard that.
just for the sake of being close to someone.
ah whatever.
i borrowed some movies from em; 'casablanca', '10 things i hate about you', 'breakfast club' and 'goldeneye'. i've only seen goldeneye, played the game religiously, loved aforementioned game with a passion, still do.
i would actually like to sleep right now but i think i'm content enough to stick around.

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