Sunday, October 19, 2008

This was a great weekend.

Hands down, great weekend. i'm happy i was able to spend it with such awesome people. corn mazin' it up, and, uhm, strategizing. it was just a good time, all in all. looking forward to days that might even top this one. maria, robby, chris... you guys are grand. and harry and eric are pretty spiffy as well. can't deny that fact.
anyway. my stomach is a little woozy and i am tired as all hell. i just finished my homework, and tomorrow's farmer day at school, which i will actually be partaking in, ha. plaid top and freckles drawn on my face. i don't know why freckles are associated with farmers but they are, i guess. so hopefully that isn't too poopy.
hm, what else? well. my mother is quite mad at me. but let's not think about that. things like that are unimportant. happiness is key. happiness is important to me, and dwelling on things that shouldn't or should have been said is unhealthy. it'll get me absolutely nowhere. if i stand here dwelling, i will be standing in the same exact place a week from now. and who'd want that?
homecoming dance is on friday. i am excited :) i have a date. just a friend. he seems pretty excited for it, and i must say i am looking forward to it very much. this week is spirit week so i imagine it will go by faster than usual. but drama goes on until like, seven this week :( which is tiring, but i asked for this, so i will dedicate myself 100%.
samara called, by the way. it was really wonderful. it was nice to hear her voice. to know that she cares.

good night, guys. once my mother kidnaps my communication equipment, i'll be forced to entertain myself. shouldn't be that hard, though, just because i do feel like writing today. and lying in my bed listening to some beautiful music. who knows? i might actually get to bed at a decent hour. i think i will.

well, good night.

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